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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Worst Blogger in the World

Man I suck at this blogging stuff. I really do. No, admit it. You've been expecting a lot of great pictures and here I am just not even blogging. I must, must, must get better at this.

So just a heads up - exciting news coming down the pike. I can't say anything just yet, but I will say something when I have a chance.

Anyhoo! What have I been up to? Well I owe you some more pictures from the Rhino and Lion Park. That's coming up after this little ditty. What else? Well I met Max in Tahiti! That was awesome. More pics about that coming up in a bit. And I got to stop in Auckland. I'll say this again, but I'm sure most of you have heard this - I've wanted to go to New Zealand all my life! And now I have, but alas, only for all of a half a day. Must go back - the city of Auckland is beautiful, and I can't wait to get back to there to see more.

So you'll have to wait on the Tahiti pics. I promise you they'll come. Promise, promise. Why are you laughing? No seriously, I do promise they will come. Until now, enjoy these pics of me playing at the Rhino and Lion park.

PS - Alex, you're correct. BP is the worst company in the world. Congrats - a wooden giraffe to you!