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Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm here! And Germany is Kicking Argentina's Ass

So it's the Nazis vs. the former Nazis. And now it's 4-0. Good grief. You know coming out of the group portion, I said to myself, "Self, watch out for Germany, they're good." I was right. That is two sports teams I should have put money on. First the 2009 New Orleans Saints (I surmised that they'd be good last year and make it to the Super Bowl) and now the 2010 Germany team. Well American football season is coming up, so hopefully I'll make another correct prediction. Your 2010 Cleveland Browns, baby! (Kidding, of course)

So where have I been? Well I went to the Algeria game - I have pictures of that. I'll post them tomorrow. I went to the USA-Ghana game - again pictures of that tomorrow. The pregame was awesome.

Other than that, I've been in a pretty big funk for the last week. So sorry I haven't written. I've been trying to get things up and running at work, and I felt a little setback the last week or so. Frankly, it caused me to get a major case of homesickness. It's been one month that I've been here, and I think being away for so long finally caught up to me. The newness is dying down, I'm falling into a normal life routine, and I do miss all of you, my friends and family terribly.

This is something, that if you've known me for a while, getting down just happens sometimes, and has happened for quite some time. It's a struggle to deal with, and I admit that it can consume me when it happens.

One thing I have still yet to learn is patience. I've learned a lot about it, but being here is teaching me a valuable lesson - some things in life and work and everything you just have to wait for it to happen. And sometimes obstacles need to be cleared in order for better things to happen.

But, I am better now - feeling much better with a renewed sense of energy. And thanks for the emails and comments asking where I was. I really appreciate it!

One final comment, specifically to Max: I really am proud of you for getting your new job. You most definitely deserve it. I see tremendous opportunity for you in the future for your career, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Ok serious post is over. See, I told you they wouldn't be all "Tra-la-la look at me and the soccer games, aren't you jealous?"

Thanks again - will post more soon. I promise!

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